[To Tokushima University Library Users] Requests and measures to prevent

トップ記事[To Tokushima University Library Users] Requests and measures to prevent

March 6, 2020

To Tokushima University Library Users

Requests and measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 shingata coronavirus infection

Tokushima University Library

 The library will implement the following measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 shingata coronavirus. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

 This approach may be changed depending on the future situation. It’s possible that at some point there may be some restrictions on library services or temporary measures like closing the library. In that case, you will be notified again on the official library SNS and on the library website.

?We recommend wearing a mask in the library.
?Please disinfect your hands before entering the building. Please use the disinfectant placed near the entrance.
?Please refrain from visiting the library if you have a fever, a strong sense of exhaustion, coughing, breathlessness, or any other physical symptoms of possible illness.
?Please try to keep a sufficient distance from other people to avoid unnecessary close contact (See note 1).
?Group study rooms (excluding private research rooms) are to be used only during class periods.

To Tokushima University Library Group study room users

Requests and measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 shingata coronavirus infection

 In the library, to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 shingata coronavirus, the group study rooms (excluding private research rooms) will be used only during class periods.
 Please follow the follwing guidelines. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
?We recommend wearing masks even in group study rooms.
?Please try to keep a sufficient distance from other people to avoid unnecessary close contact (See Note 1).
?Extensions for use of the room will not be possible.
?Ventilation fans should be set to “constant ventilation”.Please keep the ventilation fan ON when you finish using the room.
?If it’s possible to open the windows, please do so (at least once an hour) to hep to provide sufficient ventilation
?If you are the representative for your study group (applicant), please fill out the user (entry)list when you finish using the room and submit it.
?When you enter the groups study room and and the end of use, please disinfect the doorknob, used equipment, etc. with the disinfection sheets you will be given.

Buiding Floor RoomName 竞彩app排行榜 number of users
(See Note 2)
Main Liburay 2nd Floor グループ研究室1
Group Research Room1
Group Research Room2
3nd Floor 多目的ホール1
Multipurpose Hall1
Multipurpose Hall2
Kuramoto Branch 2nd Floor グループ研究室1
Group Research Room1
Group Research Room2
Group Research Room3
Group Research Room4
Meeting Room1
Meeting Room2

(Note 1)(注1): There are two important factors in determining whether or not a person is in close contact「濃厚接触」: short distance and length of time.
It is considered close contact if you touch something or someone with your hands without taking necessary precautionary measures and if you are within reach of each other for a certain period of time ( within reach is considered approximately 2 meters). Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare Link:
(Note 2)(注2): When using the group study room the usage area per person should be 4 square meters or more.

Contact point: Tokushima University Library
Phone number: 088-656-9696(Jyosanjima)
088-633-9643 (Kuramoto)
