Policy for Conducting Classes for Academic Year 2020

トップ記事Policy for Conducting Classes for Academic Year 2020

April 24,2020

To all students and their families

President of Tokushima University
Noji Sumihare

Policy for Conducting Classes for Academic Year 2020 (revised as of April 24)

 COVID-19 infection has spread across not only the prefectures under specific cautions, but also to Tokushima Prefecture?s neighboring prefectures, where the number of infected people has been increasing. In light of such situation, we have further revised the policy for holding classes, which was revised on April 17, 2020.
* The changes from the policy announced on April 17, 2020, are underlined below.

 We have decided to introduce remote classes using a web environment in order to prevent COVID-19 infection, but this is the first time we are introducing this method on a universitywide scale and we have not yet established how to operate it. We hope that all students, faculty members and other staff will work together while trying various ways and ideas, so that we all can overcome the current difficulties.
 With the aim of ensuring broad opportunities to learn for all students, we will perform various trials even though many of you do not have a fully-prepared internet environment. To avoid inequality among students, which may arise in such situation, we will take adequate measures, including follow-ups.
 With the situation worsening day by day, we will do everything we can for our students. We appreciate your continued understanding and cooperation.
 We will consider future response depending on whether and how long the Declaration of a State of Emergency is extended, and announce any revision to this policy.
 Please continue to refrain from going to other prefectures and make efforts to prevent infection during the long holiday period.

Target Period: Until May 20, 2020 (Wed.)

1. Classes
 (1) Since Wednesday, April 15, classes have been limited to those that can be conducted by remote classes, etc.* After registering for courses, you will be given instructions from the faculty members in charge via “Course Management” system or email on how to take classes.
 Please follow the instructions.
 Face-to-face classes will be commenced on or after Thursday, May 21, after taking thorough infection prevention measures.
 * "Remote classes, etc." refers to all forms of classes other than face-to-face ones, such as the delivery of teaching materials and the submission of assignments via Teams, Zoom, a live broadcasting system,manaba, etc. using a web environment.
 (2) As an exception to the above, classes which are related to some subjects, such as subjects of the examinations for national qualifications, and which are difficult to conduct by remote classes, etc. during the period until Wednesday, May 20, may be conducted by face-to-face classes after taking thorough infection prevention measures.
 (3) For students who do not have a sufficient web environment, we can provide classrooms where a web environment and infection prevention measures have been put in place. For more information, please see the maps on the website, “Wi-Fi and PC-installed Areas,Infection Prevention Measures in Place.”

2. Instructions for taking classes
 (1) All students (including those newly enrolled) must notify the educational affairs offices of their faculty without fail when they travel to prefectures other than Tokushima Prefecture due to unavoidable circumstances during the period until May 20. If there is any change in their itinerary, they must promptly notify the educational affairs offices of their faculty after returning to Tokushima Prefecture.
 Those students who have traveled to prefectures other than Tokushima Prefecture as described above are required to stay home for 14 days after returning to Tokushima Prefecture and check their physical conditions.
 During the period until Wednesday, May 20, please refrain from traveling outside Tokushima Prefecture including visiting your parents? home, as well as non-essential, nonurgent outings, thoroughly avoid the 3-Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, and closecontact settings), and make efforts to check your temperature and other health conditions.
 Following the recent expansion of the areas subject to the Declaration of a State of Emergency, Tokushima Prefecture has presented the following policy: “From the perspective of preventing the spread of COVID-19, Tokushima Prefecture urges its citizens to avoid as much as possible travel to other prefectures for non-essential, non-urgent purposes, such as visiting one?s parents? home and private trips. Especially during the long holiday period,Tokushima Prefecture requests its residents to refrain from travel to other prefectures for non-essential, non-urgent purposes, pursuant to the provisions of Article 45, paragraph (1) of the Act.”
 (2) If you have any health problems during the period until Wednesday, May 20, please notify the educational affairs office of your faculty and act in accordance with the “Measures concerning the Novel Coronavirus (for Students).”
 (3) If students are unable to attend remote classes, etc. or face-to-face classes for reasons such as being required to stay home to check their physical conditions or being infected with COVID-19, they will not be treated as being absent from classes but will be provided with opportunities to take classes by alternative means, such as taking makeup classes,submitting assignments, and watching videos of classes, so that they will be able to earn credits. If you are in such a situation, please notify the educational affairs office of your faculty.
 (4) In principle, we will send notices on classes and other matters to students via the “Course Management” system. Please register, check or update your telephone number, mobile phone number, and email address on the system.

End of document

(Josanjima Campus)
?Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Educational Affairs Office       phone:088-656-7108
?Faculty of Science and Technology, Educational Affairs Office          phone:088-656-7315
?Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Educational Affairs Office        phone:088-656-8021
(Kuramoto Campus)
?Faculty of Medicine, Educational Affairs Office                 phone:088-633-7982
?Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, Educational Affairs Office   phone:088-633-7030
?Faculty of Dentistry, Educational Affairs Office                  phone:088-633-7310
?Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Educational Affairs Office          phone:088-633-7247
