Policy for Conducting Classes for Academic Year 2020(revised as of September 23)

トップ記事Policy for Conducting Classes for Academic Year 2020(revised as of September 23)

September 23,2020

To all students and their families

President of Tokushima University
Noji Sumihare

Policy for Conducting Classes for Academic Year 2020
Guidelines for Student Conduct and Extracurricular Activities
 (revised as of September 23)

 The policy indicated above, which was revised on August 31, 2020, has been further revised as detailed below.
 As Tokushima Prefecture removed Tokushima Alert for COVID-19, we have lowered our BCP level to Level 1.
 In order to secure the health and safety of students, faculty members and other staff, it is absolutely necessary to take measures to prevent the spread of infection. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
 We will consider our future response while being on alert concerning the status of outbreak, and will announce any revision to the policy in due course.

Target period: Until the University's BCP level becomes Level 0

1. Classes
(1) Until the BCP level becomes Level 0, each faculty, etc. will provide face-to-face classes and thesis/dissertation research activities after taking thorough infection prevention measures.
 * "Remote classes, etc." refers to all forms of classes other than face-to-face ones, such as the delivery of teaching materials and the submission of assignments via Teams, Zoom, a live broadcasting system, manaba, etc. using a web environment.
 *"Face-to-face classes" include seminars, experiments, practical training and graduation research, in addition to general classes held in lecture rooms (including regular exams).

(2) For students who do not have a sufficient web environment, we can provide classrooms where a web environment and infection prevention measures have been put in place. For more information, please see the maps on the website, “Wi-Fi and PC-installed Areas, Infection Prevention Measures in Place.”

(3)  If students are unable to attend remote classes, etc. or face-to-face classes for reasons such as being required to stay home to check their physical conditions or being infected with COVID-19, they will not be treated as being absent from classes but will be provided with opportunities to take classes by alternative means, such as taking makeup classes, submitting assignments, and watching videos of classes, so that they will be able to earn credits. If you are in such a situation, please notify the educational affairs office of your faculty.

2. Instructions for taking classes and daily life
(1) Wear a face mask unless you are out in the open and can keep a sufficient distance (at least 2m) from people around you.

(2) Refrain from gathering with others in the situation where the Three Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings) cannot be avoided.

(3) After class, do not stay long on campus but go home and prepare for or review your classwork.

(4) Get sufficient nutrition and enough sleep every day, and properly check your temperature and health conditions on a daily basis.

(5) Take thorough infection prevention measures, such as disinfecting your hands and following the cough etiquette.

(6) Always be attentive to the information published by the University and act appropriately. Important notices from the University will be posted on the university Homepage or delivered through the Course Management System for Students.

(7) All students should avoid non-essential travel to other prefectures. If traveling outside of Tokushima Prefecture is inevitable, check the latest information announced by the prefecture you are visiting, and take infection prevention measures thoroughly.
 However, students who receive education at medical care facilities should follow the instructions given by their facilities.

(8) If you have any health problems during the period until the university's BCP level becomes Level 0, please notify the educational affairs office of your faculty and act in accordance with the “Measures concerning the Novel Coronavirus (for Students).

(9) When you come to campus, please exercise utmost caution to prevent the spread of infection (e.g., avoid the Three Cs, wear a face mask, follow coughing etiquette, and wash your hands with soap and water or using sanitizer).
 If you take a train, bus, or any other public transportation when commuting to campus, make sure to wear a face mask and take infection prevention measures such as sitting while keeping a distance from other passengers, and refraining from touching objects that many unspecified people would touch (e.g., handrails and hanging straps). When you arrive at the destination, do not forget to disinfect your hands and fingers.

(10) Please refrain from engaging in part-time jobs that are considered to be problematic in terms of infection prevention, such as being unable to avoid the "Three Cs" (Closed spaces, Crowded places, Close-contact settings) and being instructed not to wear a face mask.
 * The Student Support Association has a student loan system to support students financially. By using this system, you can receive a loan of 100,000 yen (at the maximum) without interest. For details, please contact the educational affairs office of your faculty or the Tokushima University Student Support Association.

(11) Continue to refrain from participating in gatherings of long duration that involve food and drink with multiple persons (e.g., parties or barbeques). When you dine with someone on other occasions, avoid sitting face-to-face and take other measures to prevent infection.

(12) Please refrain from traveling overseas privately. If you return from abroad, you will be required of 14 days of self-isolation and observation of your physical condition.

3.Notes on extracurricular activities
(1) Extracurricular activities
 Extracurricular activities are totally prohibited.

(2) About events, etc.
 When holding or participating in events and meetings which could involve a high risk of cluster infection, thorough measures to prevent infection must be taken. Special caution is called for in the case of events and meetings requiring participants to travel to and from other prefectures.
① Events hosted by student groups
 Avoid holding events which expect participation by people outside the university.
 For indoor events, the number of participants must be limited to 1,000 at maximum per event, filling 50% or less of the capacity; for outdoor events, the number of participants must be limited to 1,000 at maximum, with a sufficient distance (desirably 2m) secured between participants.
 Events may be held as long as the number of participants can be controlled and their names and other information can be identified.
② Contests and events hosted by other organizations
 Students are allowed to participate in events and meetings, on condition of taking infection prevention measures as necessary.

(3) About recruitment activities and events, etc.
 Continue to avoid holding these activities and events of long duration that involve food and drink, regardless of whether they are held indoors or outdoors.
 Events for exhibiting extracurricular activities may be held on condition of limiting the number of participants to avoid the Three Cs and thoroughly taking infection prevention measures. You may hand out flyers and put up posters outdoors, after thoroughly taking infection prevention measures (e.g., avoid the Three Cs)
 *You need to contact the Student Support Section if you wish to distribute video material.
 * The "2020 Circle Orientation for New Students on the Web" is being held on the Tokushima University website. Take thorough infection prevention measures (e.g. avoid the Three Cs) when you prepare the video materials.

(4) Use of facilities for extracurricular activities
 You are allowed to use facilities for extracurricular activities (student hall, gymnasium, and extracurricular activities building) on condition of taking infection prevention measures. When you use facilities for which it is difficult to take measures to avoid the Three Cs (clubrooms, training rooms, and shower rooms), take thorough infection prevention measures, such as limiting the number of occupants in each room per use and conducting disinfection with alcohol and ventilation after use.

(5) About rental of equipment
 There is no rental of sports equipment items.

(6) Please note that student groups that fail to comply with the rules set forth in (1) to (4) above may be subject to restrictions on their activities.

End of document

(Josanjima Campus)
?Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Educational Affairs Office       phone:088-656-7108
?Faculty of Science and Technology, Educational Affairs Office          phone:088-656-7315
?Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Educational Affairs Office        phone:088-656-8021
(Kuramoto Campus)
?Faculty of Medicine, Educational Affairs Office                 phone:088-633-7982
?Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, Educational Affairs Office   phone:088-633-7030
?Faculty of Dentistry, Educational Affairs Office                  phone:088-633-7310
?Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Educational Affairs Office          phone:088-633-7247

(Inquiries about student conduct and extracurricular activities)
 Student Support Division  phone:088-656-7086,7287

(Inquiries about the student loan)
Tokushima University Student Support Association  phone:088-656-7087

