Tokushima University’s Basic Policy on Countermeasures against COVID-19

トップ記事Tokushima University’s Basic Policy on Countermeasures against COVID-19

March 22, 2021

To all faculty members and other staff

Notice on the Revision of Tokushima University’s Basic Policy on Countermeasures against COVID-19

The state of emergency has been lifted. The basic policy indicated above has been further revised as detailed below.
Although the state of emergency has been lifted, the number of newly infected people has stopped declining, and there are concerns about rebounds. Please continue to take measures to prevent infection.
In the new fiscal year, the number of people who move across prefectures will increase. Please take measures against infection as a special caution period from April 1 (Thu) to April 14 (Wed).
We will consider our future response while being on alert concerning the status of outbreak, and will announce any revision to the basic policy in due course.

Target Period: For the time being
Special Caution Period: April 1 (The) to April 14 (Wed)

1. 1. Restriction on holding and participating in events and meetings (excluding those in which people gather only virtually, such as online events)
When holding or participating in events and meetings which could involve a high risk of cluster infection due to closed spaces, crowded places and closecontact settings, thorough measures to prevent infection must be taken. Special caution is called for in the case of events and meetings requiring nationwide travel of participants.

(1) Holding events hosted by Tokushima University
We recommend that you hold it online or on-demand as much as possible.
For indoor events, the number of participants must be limited to 1,000 at maximum per event, filling 50% or less of the capacity; for outdoor events, the number of participants must be limited to 1,000 at maximum, with a sufficient distance (desirably 2m) secured between participants.
If it is necessary to hold an event that is larger in scale than the above due to unavoidable circumstances, a written statement of reason (in any form) specifying the necessity to hold the event and the measures to be taken to prevent the spread of infection must be submitted in advance to the Director of the Tokushima University Crisis Response Headquarters (the President) to obtain the approval of the Headquarters (where to submit: General Affairs Division, General Affairs Department)
(2) Participation in events hosted by other organizations
Avoid participating in events for which infection prevention measures are not appropriately taken.

2. Traveling abroad
In principle, traveling abroad for business or training purposes is prohibited, and traveling abroad for private purposes should be avoided.
(1) If faculty members and other staff return from abroad, they will be prohibited from attending work (for 14 days) and required to check their health conditions.
(2) If students return from abroad, they will be required to stay home (for 14 days) and check their health conditions.

3. Travel for business or training purposes and private trips in Japan
When traveling to other prefectures for business or training purposes or for private trips, faculty members and other staff should check the latest information announced by the prefecture you are visiting and be prepared according to the level of infection risk, such as taking thorough infection prevention measures, or cancelling the travel to the area where an alert for the spread of infection is issued.

Faculty members and other staff working at the University Hospital should follow instructions given by the hospital.
However, students who receive education at medical care facilities should follow the instructions given by their facilities.

4. Classes
Follow the "Policy for Conducting Classes for Academic Year 2020" and other notices based on the instructions on "education activities" in the BCP.

5. About correspondence during special caution period
From April 1 (Thu) to April 14(Wed), please strengthen the following measures.
?Please refrain from eating with multiple people (excluding family members).
Please avoid talking while eating or drinking even during breaks.
?Please hold the meeting on the Web as much as possible or use e-mail.
Minimize face-to-face meetings. When holding a face-to-face meeting, take measures such as shortening the time, spacing the seats, and providing sufficient ventilation.

6. Points to Keep in Mind
(1) If you have any health problems, please act as instructed in the “Flow Chart on Measures for Work in Case of Suspected COVID- 19”.
Do not come to work if you have a fever or other symptoms (you are ordered to stay on standby at home or placed under compulsory leave (both treated as paid leave)).
(2) Avoid 3-Cs (closed spaces, crowded places, and close-contact settings), and check your temperature and other health conditions.
(3) Eating and drinking with singing and eating for 5 or more people is prohibited.
(4)The risk of infection in smoking areas has been pointed out, so please be careful if you smoke.
(5)Keep your activity record and use a mobile application that notifies you of the possibility of contact with infected people.
?COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application(COCOA)(Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
? Tokushima COVID-19 Information System (Tokushima Prefecture)
(6) When you or a family member living with you is to receive a PCR test, please notify the contact point indicated below promptly.

[Contact point for faculty members and other staff]
General affairs offices of their faculties and departments

[Contact points for students]
(Josanjima Campus)
?Faculty of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Educational Affairs Office       phone:088-656-7108
?Faculty of Science and Technology, Educational Affairs Office          phone:088-656-7315
?Faculty of Bioscience and Bioindustry, Educational Affairs Office        phone:088-656-8021
(Kuramoto Campus)
?Faculty of Medicine, Educational Affairs Office                 phone:088-633-7982
?Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, Educational Affairs Office   phone:088-633-7030
?Faculty of Dentistry, Educational Affairs Office                  phone:088-633-7310
?Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Educational Affairs Office          phone:088-633-7247

6. Others
 For information on the COVID-19 outbreak situation in Japan, please visit the following website. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (About Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19))

[Inquiries about this policy]
General Affairs Division, General Affairs Department
TEL: 088-656-7005 (ext. Shinkura, 81-7005)


