The Ideal Form of Land Improvement and Preservation System from the Perspective of Risk Management (Green Innovation)


This research takes a land improvement and preservation system from the perspective of land risk management as the subject. Land improvement and preservation is the responsibility of the public sector, commencing with the government. Those that actually take on the work are building contractors, particularly construction consultants and construction companies. Building contractors take on work by bidding. Therefore, the system is such that contractors cannot create the content of construction projects themselves. Land improvement and preservation means improving and maintaining an improvement and preservation system. A basic policy regarding what this system should be like has not been established, and extensive discussions are needed. In regard to this subject, it is necessary for researchers in Japan, public sector employees, construction industry employees, and citizens, in collaboration with researchers overseas, to construct a paradigm for an improvement and preservation system.



Yasunori Kozuki*, Takeshi Watanabe, Akio Kondo, Masashi Okushima, Takao Ueda, Masayuki Tsukagoshi, Ryoichi Yamanaka, Yoshifumi Nariyuki, Fumiaki Nagao, Hisashi Suzuki, Katsutoshi Ueno, Minoru Noda, Atsushi Mikami, Kojiro Watanabe, Susumu Nakano, Jing-Cai Jiang, Takao Tamura, Mahito Kamada, Hideo Yamanaka, Susumu Namerikawa, Junko Sanada, Ryosuke Uzuoka, Yoichi Kawaguchi, Yasunori Muto, Asuka Yamashiro, Chikanori Hashimoto


Research topics

  1. Development of Disaster Prevention/Reduction Technology aimed at Super-Extensive Disasters and Research on Diffusion StrategiesGreen Innovation
    1-1 Outline

    This project promotes “visualization” of damage through development of advanced damage prediction technology, in order to inhibit or reduce seismic motion damage and tsunami damage due to Nankai earthquakes. Development of advanced prevention technologies, in terms of both hardware and software, and research on their diffusion in society will be carried out. These technologies will include a landslide warning system for large-scale landslides, an earthquake emergency alert system using ocean-bottom seismographs deployed in the Nankai Trough and GPS tsunami gauges, a seismic isolation system for long-period ground motion in large-scale structures, and disaster reduction using regional BCPs based on advanced damage prediction technology.


    1-2 Keywords

    Nankai earthquake, seismic motion damage, tsunami damage, landslide warning system, disaster prevention technology


    1-3 Supervisors

    Susumu Nakano*, Yoshifumi Nariyuki, Fumiaki Nagao, Atsushi Mikami, Jing-Cai Jiang, Yasunori Kozuki, Ryoichi Yamanaka, Yasunori Muto, Takao Tamura, Minoru Noda, Hisashi Suzuki, Katsutoshi Ueno, Ryosuke Uzuoka


  2. Proposal for Cooperative Local Community System Aimed at Realization of Low-Carbon SocietyGreen Innovation
    2-1 Outline

    The creation of low-carbon societies as a measure against global warming is an urgent social challenge. Possible mechanisms for this are; 1) the maintenance of forests as carbon sinks and the use of forestry biomass as renewable energy, 2) modal shifts. In Tokushima Prefecture, attempts are being made to accelerate action towards achieving a low-carbon society within the prefecture, in collaboration with environmental councils such as the “Tokushima Environment Prefectural Residents’ Meeting” and the “Meeting for Building a Better Environment from the South”. This research will develop techniques/technologies for planning social implementation centering on researchers who are active as central members of the above-mentioned councils, and will propose a social system for their effective application. Then, these will be verified by way of a pilot program conducted in collaboration/association with the local government and businesses that have become members of the above-mentioned councils, and at the same time, social implementation will be planned.


    2-2 Keywords

    Low-carbon society, forestry biomass, modal shift, pilot program, cooperative local community system


    2-3 Supervisors

    Mahito Kamada*, Akio Kondo, Hideo Yamanaka, Yoichi Kawaguchi, Asuka Yamashiro


  3. Challenge to Realize Long Service Life and Resource Recycling of Concrete StructuresGreen Innovation
    3-1 Outline

    Reduction of CO2, which is a cause of global warming, is an urgent issue on a global scale. Disposal of construction waste resulting from the rebuilding of aging concrete structures is a huge social problem, and the 20th century was an age of scrap and build of concrete structures. However, 21st century concrete structures must be sustainable due to the strict constraints of global warming. In order to realize this, development is required of a recycled concrete structure that uses concrete debris and other construction waste as a resource and has high durability with a long service life exceeding 200 years. Currently, an optimal solution has not been found in the field of concrete engineering. This research challenges this intractable topic.


    3-2 Keywords

    Construction waste, 200 years, durability, long service life, recycled concrete structure


    3-3 Supervisors

    Chikanori Hashimoto*, Takao Ueda, Takeshi Watanabe,Masayuki Tsukagoshi, Yoshifumi Nariyuki, Yoichi Kawaguchi


  4. Development of Planning Technology for Construction of Environmentally-Friendly and Attractive Urban Space SystemGreen Innovation
    4-1 Outline

    In addition to environmental concerns such as low carbon and energy saving, the creation of spaces that are attractive in terms of nature, scenery, and human activities, is a task for urban development in the 21st century. In this project, as a planning technology necessary for constructing an urban space system based on a new paradigm, a new planning method will be developed that combines policy analysis technology and simulation technology as well as dealing with transportation, land use, and scenery.


    4-2 Keywords

    Urban space system, planning technology, policy analysis technology, simulation technology, green urban transport


    4-3 Supervisors

    Akio Kondo*, Hideo Yamanaka, Masashi Okushima, Junko Sanada, Kojiro Watanabe, Yasunori Kozuki, Ryoichi Yamanaka


  5. Land Use System for Sustainable Tsunami Resilience and Regional InheritanceGreen Innovation
    5-1 Outline

    In order to promote resilient region against mega-disaster, the Act on regional development in tsunami disaster was enacted in 2011 in Japan, and Tokushima prefectural government enforced the ordinance for Nankai trough earthquake including land use regulation system in 2012. In fact, a tendency of urbanization's movement into inland area have been seen after the Tohoku big earthquake. On the contrary, it is important to consider the compact city because for depopulating society. This study aims to develop a new planning concept for the future of the region under the threat of Tsunami considering these factors which conflict each other by employing the study of the following issues 1) Historical study on urban and region considering disaster prevention. 2) Study on the influence of the perception of disaster's risk on urbanization and evaluation of pattern of city. 3) Social decision process for the regional inheritance.


    5-2 Keywords

    Urban policy, Regional planning, Land Use Planning, Consensus Building


    5-3 Supervisors

    Hideo Yamanaka*, Akio Kondo, Yasunori Kozuki, Masashi Okushima, Ryoichi Yamanaka, Kojiro Watanabe, Junko Sanada
