Research on Development of Next-Generation Electronic Devices


For the realization of information-oriented, low-carbon consumption and safe and secure society, the development of high-reliability and high-performance electronic devices is required. In order to realize these devices, it is essential to develop innovative new electronic materials as well as various types of electronic components and devices utilizing these materials, such as sensors, optical devices, transistors and LSIs. Therefore, the department leads comprehensive researches from material level to circuit level with the development of new electronic devices and their manufacturing methods to realize the highly reliable circuits and systems.


Research topics

  1. Development of New Functional Materials with Their Production MethodsGreen Innovation
    1-1 Outline

    Development of next-generation electronic devices is required for the realization of low-carbon and low-environmental burden societies. For this purpose, this program will cover the improvement of existing materials such as nitrides, the development of new functional material synthesis and evaluation methods for such as graphene, the development of element technologies for nano-scale device production, and the development of devices for wireless power transmission system.


    1-2 Keywords

    Nitride, graphene, new materials, nanodevice, wireless power transmission device


    1-3 Supervisors?(Representative*)?

    Masao Nagase*, Jin-Ping Ao, Shiro Sakai, Katsushi Nishino, Yoshiki Naoi Takuro Tomita, Retsuo Kawakami


  2. Research on LSI Design Compatible With Next-Generation ProcessesGreen Innovation
    2-1 Outline

    Forming the backbone of all industries, the semiconductor industry has almost reached the limits of current semiconductor technology such as miniaturization of device dimensions, and various intractable problems are emerging, including increasing leak current, increasing variation in device characteristics, and accompanying increases in power consumption. Therefore, a wide variety of research regarding next-generation LSI design is very important, including semiconductor manufacturing technology that completely suppresses variation/fluctuation/noise, ultrafast/ultrahigh-performance/ultra-high-mix low-volume production technology, ultra-rapid evaluation/analysis techniques, high-performance new structure device technology, low-power circuit/architecture technology, and technology for shortening the time required for design verification, and this project will conduct research in these areas.


    2-2 Keywords

    IC design, design for testability, nonlinear analog circuit, image processing circuit


    2-3 Supervisors

    Masaki Hashizume*, Hiroyuki Yotsuyanagi, Takashi Shimamoto, Tian Song, Yoshifumi Nishio, Yoko Uwate
