Research on Next-Generation Information Networks


Our society will continue to become more highly information-oriented in the future and there is a social requirement for the construction of next-generation high-speed/high-reliability/high-performance information and telecommunications networks that will support this, such as high-speed information and telecommunications networks, low-power consumption communication networks, and fault-tolerant communication networks. There is a need for basic research for this purpose at the university. Meanwhile, as an application field of these networks, research is also required towards achieving more advanced informatization of medicine through sensing and transmission of human biological information in large amounts and over wide areas, in order to resolve the problems of an increasingly aging society in the future and a deficiency of doctors in underpopulated areas. Therefore, research required for construction of next-generation, high-speed/high-reliability information and telecommunications infrastructure and research for achieving advanced informatization of medicine is one of the key topics in this department.


Research topics

  1. Research on Next-Generation Information and Telecommunications SystemsGreen Innovation
    1-1 Outline

    This project will conduct research and development of basic technology for photonic networks, aimed at constructing information and telecommunications infrastructure that meets demand for high-capacity telecommunications with low power consumption. Specifically, research will include high-capacity optical node technology, coherent optical transmission/processing technology, and optical amplifier/repeater technology. Also, research and development will be carried out on distributed data expression methods for efficiently associating and utilizing high-capacity data on diversified and distributed networks in multi-node communication. This project also aims to develop new communication methods and circuits for ensuring privacy of communication.


    1-2 Keywords

    Photonic network, optical fiber transmission, optical signal processing, distributed data system, resource description framework


    1-3 Supervisors?(Representative*)?

    Atsushi Takada*, Takahiro Oie, Yoshifumi Nishio, Yoko Uwate, Yasuhiro Okamura


  2. Research on Next-Generation Information Network Circuits and Their Application (Collaborative Research in Medicine and Engineering)Life Innovation
    2-1 Outline

    There are strong calls to make it possible for all people to receive advanced medical treatment regardless of where they live via next-generation information and telecommunications networks that automatically measure biosignals from human beings. With the aim of implementing this kind of network, this research topic covers research on electronic measurement technology in electrical and electronic engineering, signal processing technology, clinical findings accumulated in medical practices making use of information processing technology, bioelectric signals such as brainwaves used in monitor signals during operations and diagnoses, biological images such as colonoscopy, accurate evaluation of clinical condition using bioacoustics such as snoring and heartbeat, diagnostic support, prediction of recurrence, and remote medical treatment, as well as biosignal measuring equipment such as bioimpedance equipment.


    2-2 Keywords

    Biosignal, image processing, sensor circuit, remote medical treatment, diagnostic equipment


    2-3 Supervisors

    Shinsuke Konaka*, Masatake Akutagawa, Takahiro Emoto, Takahiro Emoto, Naoyuki Shimomura
