Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

TOPGraduate Schools and FacultiesFacultyFaculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Aiming to be the best in the world as pharmacists/pharmaceutical scientists
We aim to foster human resources with the ability to positively develop working places of their own based on the collaboration of various fields of pharmacy, which we call "Interactive YAKUGAKUJIN".

Bronze statue of
Dr. NAGAI Nagayoshi

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in 1922 on the recommendation of Dr. Nagayoshi Nagai, the father of Japanese pharmaceutics. The Faculty has pursued a tradition of drug discovery as Japan's only National University pharmaceutical department to originate from the engineering side. The Faculty has recently undertaken education and research with a greater focus on medical practice in close cooperation with the hospital and medical and dental faculties, leveraging the concentration of medical facilities at the Kuramoto Campus. The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers two courses, a six-year course at the School of Pharmacy and a four-year course at the School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences. The School of Pharmacy trains pharmacists who are able to contribute to advanced healthcare and communities, and the School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences provides unique education- research curriculum that educates drug discovery researchers with the advanced research capability and the expertise in pharmaceuticals. Both courses foster people with diverse abilities in pharmacology. Thus, for example, the School of Pharmacy educates pharmacists with skills in fundamental research, while the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences educates researchers who are proficient in medical practice.

School of Pharmacy


The School of Pharmacy provides a six-year educational program for pharmacists, featuring the newly introduced five-month training periods at a hospital or pharmacy. This practical training functions as a platform for the development of the ethical standards and communication skills required for a medical professional based on a wide variety of knowledge acquired through lecture programs. Bachelors of Pharmacy who graduate from the six-year course are expected to play an indispensable role as highly skilled pharmacists.
The founding principle of the School of Pharmacy is training talented people, who as medical personnel, will shoulder the tremendous burden of protecting the lives and health of the general populace. In order to educate the pharmacists that society requires, as well as equipping them with basic knowledge and technical skills, the School trains people to have a well-rounded humanity and a high regard for life. Another object is for our students to acquire the ability to contribute to advances in clinical pharmacy as "pharmacist-scientists" through graduation thesis research.

School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences


The four-year course of the School of Pharmaceutical Technosciences provides basic and special subjects for training outstanding researchers with the potential to lead the world in a wide variety of life sciences including pharmaceutical sciences. Graduating in the four-year course with Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, students are strongly recommended to go on to the Graduate School and to take the Course of Pharmaceutical Sciences consisting of two-year master's and three-year doctoral programs with the aim of obtaining sophisticated pharmaceutical knowledge. Subsequent career paths include academics and researchers in the pharmaceutical, food, and chemical industries. Due to the close relationship between research and education, participation in high-level research provides graduate students with a quality education. Through practical study under talented academic staff, students can play an active role in diverse fields.

Last updated: 2019-01-29