Graduate School of Health Sciences

TOPGraduate Schools and FacultiesGraduate SchoolGraduate School of Health Sciences

Through practical and empirical education and research in the health sciences, we aim to train humanistic advanced specialists and educators and researchers who respect bioethics and team medicine, who can respond to diverse social needs. In addition, we aim to contribute to the development of health science by undertaking leading research that contributes to meeting social requirements.

In The Graduate School of Health Sciences has offered a Master's Courses since April 2006, and a Doctoral Courses since April 2008. These courses lead to the degree of Master of Science in Nursing or Health Science, and to the degree of Doctor of Health Science respectively. In March 2008, we qualified our first Master's Course graduates, and in March 2011, qualified the first Doctoral graduates. Moreover, the so-called "Cancer Professional Education Plan" has been adopted as a part of a larger project of the Mid-West Japan Cancer Professional Education. We have conducted educational programs leading to qualifications such as "Certified Nurse Specialist in cancer nursing" and "Medical physicist". In April 2012, we started to offer a Master's Course in Practical Midwifery. This course aims to produce leaders in the specielty field of maternal and child health and midwifery.
So far, we have received a large volume of applications for these courses, which reflects the important role of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences in society.

Course of Nursing Sciences

The Course of Nursing Sciences comprises four specialist fields; nursing sciences for the establishment of basic nursing care, nursing sciences for social rehabilitation, nursing sciences for local assisted living, and psychological nursing and healthcare. We aim to educate practitioners of advanced specialist nursing in medical institutions, and local healthcare professionals, educators and researchers. Furthermore, we aim to contribute to the local community by developing practical and empirical education and research for improving the quality of nursing services and human care.

Course of Radiological Sciences

The Course of Radiological Sciences comprises two fields; medical information science and engineering, and pathology information science. We aim to educate personnel with advanced diagnostic imaging and therapeutic skills who can manage technological innovations. We conduct research and development concerning advanced medical equipment, applying the latest advances in science and engineering. We also train personnel with the skills to analyze biological information using radiation and electromagnetism, and to master advances in therapeutic technology.
Furthermore, we educate advanced specialists with abilities to do image management, and information system management ability required for responding quickly to advances in healthcare information systems, and hospital information management systems such as telemedicine.

Course of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences

The Course of Biomedical Laboratory Sciences offers studies in the field of advanced medical technology and support. Through specialist education and research in biological function analysis and pathological analysis, we educate advanced specialists in analytic methods covering physiological function, pathology, cells and clinical chemistry.
In addition, through specialist education and research in cellular and immunological analysis, infection protection genetic diagnostic techniques and assisted reproductive technology, we provide education for advanced specialists who are proficient in prompt, simple and high precision testing methods using molecular genetic techniques, genetic diagnosis and cell culture-assisted reproductive technology.

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    Nursing graduate students taking part in a course in methodology of nursing research
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    Tractography using magnetic resonance imaging examination. Disruption of neuronal fiber caused by infarction (yellow)can be observed clearly.
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    Manipulation of occyts under a dissecting microscope
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    Clinical practice

Last updated: 2019-01-29