Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

TOPGraduate Schools and FacultiesGraduate SchoolGraduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

We aim to foster human resources with the ability to positively develop working places of their own based on the collaboration of various fields of pharmacy, which we call "Interactive YAKUGAKUJIN".

  • The Course of Pharmaceutical Sciences aims to foster human resources having capabilities to carry out research in drug discovery and manufacture with a broad perspective and international competence through systematic education and research guidance.
  • The Course of Pharmacy aims to foster leading pharmacists and researchers of clinical pharmacy, who have high capabilities to carry out research contributing to leading-edge medication treatment and contribute to promoting health of the public through research guidance directly connected to the clinical setting and practical training, such as risk management as pharmacists.

Course of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Course of Pharmaceutical Sciences is formed from fifteen departments (laboratories): Analytical Sciences, Physical Pharmacy, Theoretical Chemistry for Drug Discovery, Molecular Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic Synthetic Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Bioorganic Chemistry, Medicinal Biotechnology, Pharmacology for Life Sciences, Pharmaceutical Health Chemistry, Medicinal Biochemistry,Frontier Laboratory for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Optimal Medication.
Many laboratories in the course of Pharmaceutical Sciences carry out excellent fundamental research leading to drug discovery. The research presents the graduate students with the unique ability to carry out research chemically synthesizing and genetically producing new active molecules. The graduate students in the course are exposed to the science of drug discovery, drug action, and drug delivery. The course has educated highly motivated scientists occupying major positions in the pharmaceutical industry and academia.

Course of Pharmacy

The Course of Pharmacy involves nine departments(laboratories): Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Information Science, Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics, Neurobiology and Therapeutics, Medical Pharmacology, Molecular Cell Biology and Medicine, Clinical Pharmacy Practice Pedagogy,Clinical Pharmacy, Clinical Physiology.
The objective of the Course of Pharmacy is to prepare students for independent, theorybased research leading to new knowledge and understanding of drug use, patient communication and behaviors, pharmacy practice, and the pharmaceutical profession. Study on the course enables clinical pharmacists to collaborate actively with doctors and nurses in the treatment of patients in medical care.

Last updated: 2019-01-29